Area Map

TOTO GALLERY·MA is a participant of the "Minato City Museum Network" together with the facilities indicated in blue on the map.
Access to Nogizaka Station from major train/subway stations
Detail Map

Route with stairs (shortest route)
1-min. walk
Exit from Exit 3 and ascend the stairs to your right.
The TOTO Nogizaka Building will be visible behind you.
TOTO Nogizaka Building

Route with elevator and steep slope
2-min. walk + traffic light
Exit from Exit 2 and proceed to the left.
Cross the street at the nearby crossing.
Proceed along the second crossing and up the slope to your left.
The TOTO Nogizaka Building is at the top of the slope.
TOTO Nogizaka Building

Route with elevator and gentle slope
4-min. walk + traffic light
Exit from Exit 2 and proceed to the left.
Follow the road up the gentle hill.
Cross the wide road at the intersection at the top of the hill.
You will see the TOTO Nogizaka Building as you proceed to the right.
TOTO Nogizaka Building